
Studio Mug
The third 'RadiAsian' branded item to make it into the studio. Bought for the studio by Harvi. We spend so much time here working that we needed branded mugs.

Mono Mix Check
We have our own Mixcube in the studio to help try and give mix feedback, where requested, to artists, producers and engineers.

Rode K2
The Rode K2 multi-pattern valve condenser microphone has been with the studio since it launched back in 2004. However, this one is special because its been modified.

Bespoke Gear
A custom linear PSU made for the studio. We are fussy about our audio quality over here. When play-listing we want to enjoy your music with the best possible dynamics and headroom.

We regularly experiment with various different sound cards and A-D and D-A converters. You guessed it, we modify our gear to improve audio quality. More than mere presenters.

Stereo Mics
Our presenters have been blessed to be trained by engineers who worked for Sony Whitfield Street (Sade), Jazzie B Soul II Soul. One of them even set up sessions for MJ R.I.P.

Beta 57A's
Great sounding and practical live mics, also handy in the studio. Built like tanks and can be used for self-defence if needed.

SE Gemini
Beautiful microphone, custom modded of course.

Midas Venice
Any live sound engineer worth his salt should know about these boards. Yes, I know digital mixers have the added flexibility of session recall for different songs and bands. Its all about the sound over here.