Broadcasting 24/7 Worldwide
RadiAsian...The No.1 Station for the Asian Invasion!

Since launch RadiAsian has always been on top of it's licensing. We are proud to support talented musicians, producers, DJ's, singers, rappers, mix and mastering engineers. We encourage anyone submitting music to us to register with the PRS, PPL and keep evidence of live performances. Pay attention to your £ notes as well as your musical notes.

The original logo for RadiAsian.London. It's quite clever isn't it? Think about it...RadiAsian and Radiation. Plus the jumping guy in the middle doing the Bhangra move makes the logo perfect. The No.1 Station for the Asian Invasion!

RadiAsian is proud to support the future of music by ensuring that those talented people 'who write, perform, compose, record or publish music are fairly paid for their work'- PRS/PPL Website